Happy New Year and good luck with your new year resolutions!


I have helped people to quit smoking just this week. You can do it too! It’s too late when you are diagnosed with a disease and then have to quit anyway, ………. so why not now?

For instance, did you see media about David Lynch, the British film maker, who died a few days ago from a smoking related disease? Lynch hoped his own experience would be a lesson for others.

He said before he died: “I really wanted to get this across: think about it. You can quit these things that are going to end up killing you. I owe it to them — and to myself — to say that. I can’t go out. And I can only walk a short distance before I’m out of oxygen. Smoking was something that I absolutely loved, but in the end, it bit me, I could hardly move without gasping for air. Quitting was my only choice.” David Lynch


Please ring Suzy.

We can do it together in one session.


The Contributions of Milton Erickson to Modern Clinical Hypnosis

If you’ve had the wonderful experience of Hypnosis and /or Hypnotherapy, you’re probably wondering where it came from. Milton Erickson’s name is up there in lights.

Milton H. Erickson, M.D., is an important figure in the history of hypnosis who pioneered many new hypnotherapeutic strategies and a paradigmatic shift from mechanistic, unilateral models of influence to a person-centred, competency-oriented, co-constructive approach to hypnosis.

The full academic article below shows how Erickson placed a high value on creativity, individual autonomy, and differentiated treatment.

These values were reflected in all of Erickson’s contributions to hypnosis, with this full article specifically covering: the naturalistic approach, individualism, experiential arousal, incubation, reframing resistance, and individuation.

Click here to read the full article.



“I didn’t want my picture taken because I was going to cry. I didn’t know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I’d cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.”
Sylvia Plath

“People don’t come to therapy to change the past. They come to therapy to change the future.”
Milton H. Erickson, M.D.


Depression is a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest which stops us doing our normal activities.            Different types of depression exist, with symptoms ranging from relatively minor to severe. Depression usually does not result from a single event, but from a mix of traumatic or stressful events and factors.  e.g. family history, Illness and health issues, medication, drugs, alcohol and personality.

Our Depressed Behaviors can appear to others as: not going out anymore, not getting things done at work or school, withdrawing from close family and friends, relying on alcohol and sedatives

Our Depressed Feelings can appear to others as: looking like being overwhelmed or indecisive, guilty, irritable or frustrated, lacking in confidence, unhappy or disappointed, miserable or sad.

Our Depressed Thoughts can sound to others as: ‘I’m a failure’, ‘It’s my fault,’ ‘Life’s not worth living’, ‘Nothing good ever happens to me’, ‘People would be better off without me, ‘‘I’m worthless’


The idea of Milton Erickson’s people coming to therapy to change their future is key to helping with Depression.

Michael Yapko ,clinical psychologist, marriage and family therapist, Southern California,

comments on this future orientation: 

“No amount of Medication can teach us more effective coping skills, and how to build a realistic and motivating future.”

“Helping people develop skills in these areas to empower them to live effectively is what therapists can do that medication can’t”


Although the two conditions are different, we can have both at the same time. 

Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness and reduced energy, restlessness and agitation.

Anxiety creates feelings of nervousness, worry or dread, restlessness and agitation.



Hypnotherapy uses a number of therapeutic techniques and if we’ve already experienced hypnotherapy we’ll have thankfully benefited from some or all of these.

The therapist’s suggestions will depend on the condition or behaviour we are trying to change . Hypnotherapy can help target unwanted or unhealthy habits and possibly replace them with healthier behaviours. e.g.  anxiety, weight loss, fear of flying, chronic pain, concentration problems, irritable bowel syndrome, smoking control, teeth grinding, etc. 

 Eg.1 being able to better control pain or anxiety or adjusting negative thought patterns that could be worsening depression symptoms.

Eg.2 In Depression, we usually want to change the debilitating effects in our current lives to a more effective, future life free of depression’s behaviours, feelings and thoughts. 

A trained therapist uses various relaxation techniques to guide us into a hypnotic state. In this state, we are still conscious and aware. Our body becomes more relaxed and the mind more responsive to suggestions for the changes we’ve discussed with the therapist that we want.

 If this rings a bell with you, please ring Suzy who would like to help you into a hopeful future.


VAPING A new challenge has surfaced in the wake of the smoking epidemic, a challenge with profound health implications: the rapid rise of VAPING. A phenomenon that was barely on our radar a decade ago now involves an estimated 4.3 million individuals in Great Britain alone, equating to 9.1% of the adult population. Figures are higher in Australia, 9.3%.


This is a call to action because Vaping is a Cloaked Hazard. Vaping was initially hailed as a safer alternative to smoking, but vaping is now unmasking its true colours. Early research indicates links to lung damage, heart disease and a host of other health issues. Alarmingly, the impact on youth is profound, with a stark increase in vaping among school students raising fears of long-term addiction and health risks. The reality is clear: vaping is not a safe harbour. And it’s not cool and it does not make people looking better.


Hypnotherapy Vaping Cessation is necessary because it works. Studies, including those published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnotherapy in smoking cessation. The parallels between smoking and vaping – particularly in terms of addiction and habit – suggest that Hypnotherapy skills are uniquely positioned to help a growing demographic desperate for solutions.

Is this you? Vapers are diverse: – Ex-smokers turned to vaping – Dual users, juggling cigarettes and e-cigarettes users – Non-smokers trying it for the first time, out of curiosity. Please Ring Suzy, and discuss your needs/ habits/ causes of vaping and how to change them. Phone 0409429101

Australia Hypnotherppists Association

Weight Loss Issues

Weight loss, hypnotherapy, Wynnum
Hypnotherapy with Suzy Woodhouse, Wynnum

 Did you see the article in the Courier Mail on 7 November 2022 page 3- “ WEIGHTY issue for women”?

 I was surprised the article said more than half of Australian women avoid seeking medical help for their weight management and weight loss. 

It described how over  50% of Aussie  women are reluctant to get medical advice when they are trying to lose weight, anxious they will  be judged

However, during my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’ve found that people are very keen to start, stay, and work on their weight loss In the VIRTUAL GASTRIC BAND  (VGB) program. 

They’re curious about how they came to put on weight in the first place and what we are going to do about it.

Both Men and women of Wynnum are amazed how without even trying, they lose weight and stick with the now, new normal way of life and relationship with food.

If you are curious, Call Suzy on 0409 429 101  to check out how to benefit from the VGB program too. 



Since the start of the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions in various states, inquiries to the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) websites have had a significant spike.

Between 24 March 2021 and 31 March 2021 days the HCA Register page views were 7576, up 46% on the prevoius week.

It seem that people are reaching out for professional help in the midst of uncertainty.

There is much published evidence that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused a great deal of anxiety in the community.

As hypnotherapists, we are uniquely placed to help those who are distressed. And HCA hopes that these additional searches will result for HCA Registered Hypnotherapists.

For more information on Anxiety, please go to the Anxiety page on this website. suzyshypnotherapy.com.au/anxiety

Book in for your free chat and discovery with Suzy on ph. 0409429101  And let her help you address your issues. SKYPE: suzywoodhouse,  email: suzyw@bigpond.com,  web: https://suzyshypnotherapy.com.au

Hypnotherapy Council of Australia


Suzy Woodhouse Weight Loss Brisbane

People’s eating habits have changed during COVID-19 and not always for the best!

Wynnum hypnotherapist Suzy Woodhouse explains what a ‘virtual gastric band’ is…

“With Virtual Gastric Band hypnotherapy we are essentially convincing the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake and that there is no need for more food. Above all, it is most definitely NOT a diet – we know that diets only work in the short term. The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want but enables you to intake smaller portions. The best thing is that because it’s not a diet, people don’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry – the key issues that cause so many diets to fail.” says Suzy.

“Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band* concept evolved from the idea that our body has all the answers if we listen to it. For example if we have a pain in our foot, it is our body’s warning system telling us that we need to be careful. We take note of that signal and respond appropriately. However, with food we’ve switched off to all the signals, so we eat when we aren’t even hungry or we eat when we are already full. The Virtual Gastric Band re-sets and amplifies the natural signals from your stomach that let you know that you are full. And results have been impressive with nearly 9,000 people achieving a 10kg average weight loss across the globe after a decade of Virtual Gastric Band therapy.”

Sheila Granger advises that it’s important to work with a trained hypnotherapist for best results, saying “Although there are many options on the internet and apps that are similar to the virtual gastric band concept it is worth bearing in mind that these are generic recordings, and not tailored to an individual, as they would be working with a trained therapist. For best results it is important that sessions are tailored to an individual so that their unique food associations and habits can be addressed. The good news is that hypnotherapy can actually be performed online via Zoom or Skype from the comfort of someone’s own home. All that is required is a good internet connection and a qualified, professional therapist.”

Suzy is currently working with five locals – men and women – to help them achieve their weight loss goals.

By the way… Virtual Gastric Band therapy is very significantly less expensive than the real thing and comes with the benefits of not being invasive and not needing any recovery time at all! And it’s very safe.

*Suzy was trained in the Sheila Granger Virtual Gastric Band weight loss method in 2005.

For more info visit https://suzyshypnotherapy.com.au

Suzy Woodhouse & Associates are members of Wynnum Business and supporters of WynnumCentral.

Article written by David Bateson, Wynnum Business.

Virtual Gastic band Logo
Suzy Woodhouse Weight loss

For more information contract Suzy on 0409 429 101