
Since the start of the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions in various states, inquiries to the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) websites have had a significant spike.

Between 24 March 2021 and 31 March 2021 days the HCA Register page views were 7576, up 46% on the prevoius week.

It seem that people are reaching out for professional help in the midst of uncertainty.

There is much published evidence that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused a great deal of anxiety in the community.

As hypnotherapists, we are uniquely placed to help those who are distressed. And HCA hopes that these additional searches will result for HCA Registered Hypnotherapists.

For more information on Anxiety, please go to the Anxiety page on this website.

Book in for your free chat and discovery with Suzy on ph. 0409429101  And let her help you address your issues. SKYPE: suzywoodhouse,  email:,  web:

Hypnotherapy Council of Australia
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